Privacy Policy

Zopoxo acknowledges the significance of user privacy for those who registered on the website, as well as for the end customers of the Zopoxo users. This policy addresses the use of personal data, cookies, etc., employed by Zopoxo to deliver top-notch logistics solutions to the users. We collect basic information about you including your Name, Email address, Contact details, etc.
Where we disclose your personal information to our partners for a purpose, the partner in question will be obligated to use that personal information as per the terms of this privacy statement. Your phone number and email might be used to share updates regarding Zopoxo and its partner’s products. Whenever you change or access your account information, we offer the use of a secure server.
We are committed to ensuring the privacy and security of our users’ data and want you to understand how and why we collect and use certain information. When you use our App, we may collect the following information from your Shopify store: Order, Shipping, Customer details, Product details, and Inventory. We use your information to process the order, Shipping, Delivery, and inventory management.

You have the right to access, update, and delete your personal information. If you wish to exercise any of these rights or have any concerns regarding your privacy, please reach out to